a warm night and no work the next day means a late night of riding. tonight was no exception. i like to ride in places where there are lots of people so i tend to follow the same routes once i find them. i head over to the first spot which is the three way stop at 800 N and 200 E. there are four stairs leading up to the path that goes to the south-west corner of campus. they've paved next to these stairs so if i miss the hop up i don't hurt my bike. i usually hit this first to get warmed up and make sure my bunny hop is on for high jumps. there is also a six inch handy cap ramp across the street that, unlike most in provo, is ramped perfectly to pull lots of air. it feels like i get 3-4 feet of air, but who can be sure. all i know is that when i hit it hard, all the ladies stare.
tonight was different because i wanted to find new places to ride. i looked for a four stair that i try jumping up, but was unsuccessful. i did find a nice wall by the baskin robins to hop, about a foot high. i also hit the two foot wall by arby's. a good hop up and down. then was a new ledge on N canyon and 2230 N. i've known about it for a while but until now hadn't maned up to do it. timing the light right a foot high hop up slopes up to about three feet when you jump of the end. this puts you right in the middle of 2230 so timing is important. maybe once i get my table top down, this wall will be a little more fun. after riding around look for something and finding nothing i ended up Taylor's bike shop [this is where i work for those keeping score at home]. there 30 degree paved slope leading to a three foot wide island. normally there's a car parked there so i can only hit it late at night. tonight there was no car and it was a blast launching myself high into the air off the slope and clearing the island. the only thing that would make it better is if there was a run in on it. there's also a 6 foot island with a foot high rock on it that i need to work up to clearing. one day i'll bust it out after work and impress my co-workers.
i did well staying away from the usual stuff except for the first spot. next time i'll ride the that stuff and tell you about it. something to look forward to.